Helping you LAUNCH
your Passion Project!
Giving Starts With you.
Helping You Heal Through Helping Others.
Uncover Your Gifts. Discover Your Purpose. Impact the World.
Helping you LAUNCH
your Passion Project!
Giving Starts With you.
Helping You Heal Through Helping Others.
Uncover Your Gifts. Discover Your Purpose. Impact the World.
Does this sound like you?
Do you feel… lonely, uninspired and tired of living every day like the last?
Are you suffering… from feeling anxious and depressed?
Do you find yourself… not feeling good enough, burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed?
Are you tired of… living life for other people?
Do you want to… live a happier life even if you don’t know what that looks like yet?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these, I want to help. Firstly, I know how awful & hopeless it can feel. After all, I have been where you are! Not only have I felt the same exact things, I believed them! Sadly, I had convinced myself that things would never change.
As a matter of fact, most of my life was spent not feeling good enough, and I often felt like a misfit and didn’t feel that I deserved better. Secondly, I know this pain and this struggle, and I don’t want that for you. The bottom line is that life is just too short to feel unhappy and unfulfilled.
What if all that could change?
What if I told you… that you didn’t have to live your life like that? You can have your cake and eat it too! You can thrive in your life despite the negativity of others!
What if you believed… that you are special and have unique gifts that could change your life and the life of others despite not knowing what those gifts were, yet? What if you felt you deserved better?
What if I could show you… that your life could be so much more than you ever imagined and that you could feel so much better about who you are and how you live your life?
Imagine this… living a life where you can heal your pain and help the world all at the same time! Most importantly, imagine a life with less regret and pain. Would you be interested in learning more? Not to mention all the ways that feeling better about yourself impacts others too!
Does This Sound Like You?
Do you feel… lonely, uninspired and tired of living every day like the last?
Do you suffer from… feeling anxious, and depressed?
Do you find yourself… not feeling good enough, burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these, I want to help. I know how awful & hopeless it can feel.
Most of my life was spent not feeling good enough. I often felt like a misfit yet didn’t feel that I deserved better. So, I know this pain, and this struggle and I don’t want that for you.
What if we could change all that?
What if I told you… that you didn’t have to live your life like that? You can have your cake and eat it too! You can thrive in your life despite the negativity of others!
What if you believed… that you are special and have unique gifts that could change your life and the life of others? What if you believed you did deserve better?
What if I could show you… that your life could be so much more than you ever imagined and that you could feel so much better about who you are and how you live your life?
Imagine this… living a life where you can heal your pain and help the world all at the same time! Imagine a life with less regret and pain. Would you be interested in learning more?
Hi, I'm Nelia!

Did you know that you can heal yourself and help others all at the same time? Through my experiences, I discovered that the number one way to manage anxiety, depression and loneliness was through giving back and helping others. After all, uncovering what makes me happy and defining what is meaningful in my life allows me to create calm and hope in this world of uncertainty. Besides, it gives me a sense of belonging to something bigger than myself, and knowing myself better allows me to take action and better help those around me.
Giving Starts With You
I want to help you make yourself a priority in your life. As well as being passionate about giving back, we also need to remember to include ourselves in that equation. Certainly, it is easy to become burnt-out, overwhelmed, resentful and left without any energy or love for ourselves because neglecting self-care does not help anyone. Ultimately, we cannot give what we don’t have. For that reason want you to know that Giving does Start with You as you cannot provide what you don’t have. Loving yourself is the first step.
I invite you to join me on this journey and discover what makes you happy. In addition, you’ll experience how you, too, can feel better about yourself by sharing your unique gifts with the world.
Not hiding who we are and having the courage to move forward and overcome adversity is empowering and will certainly change your life. Besides, no one arrives there alone, so let’s do this together! As I have already mentioned, always remember that Giving starts with you!
Hi, I'm Nelia!

Did you know that you can heal yourself and help others all at the same time? Through my experiences, I discovered that the number one way to manage anxiety, depression and loneliness was through giving back and helping others. Uncovering what makes me happy and defining what is meaningful in my life allows me to create calm and hope in this world of uncertainty. It gives me a sense of belonging to something bigger than myself, and knowing myself better allows me to take action and better help those around me.
I want to help you make yourself a priority in your life. Even though I am passionate about giving back, we need to also include ourselves in that equation. It is easy to become burnt-out, overwhelmed, resentful and left without any energy or love for ourselves. Neglecting self-care does not help anyone. We cannot give what we don’t have. Giving does Start with You.
Join me on this journey, discover what makes you happy, and experience how you, too, can feel better about yourself by sharing your unique gifts with the world.
Not hiding who we are and having the courage to move forward and overcome adversity is empowering. No one arrives there alone, so let’s do this together! Always remember that giving starts with you!
"After all, giving love and showing kindness is free.
We all have the means to be kind."
Nelia Hutt
How I can help You!
I’ve been where you have been, and through my courses, books and podcast I want to show you that you do not have to go through it alone. After all, no one gets through life alone!

Moving Through Grief

Discovering your purpose and using those gifts to Help Others

Ending Loneliness
How I can help You!
I’ve been where you have been, and through my courses, books and podcast I want to show you that you do not have to go through it alone.

Moving Through Grief

Discovering your purpose and using those gifts to Help Others

Ending Loneliness
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Giving My Heart
Room To Breathe

The Ultimate I Deserve A Break Colouring Book

Giving My Heart
Room To Breathe

Discover Your

The Ultimate I Deserve A Break Colouring Book

Lifesaver Tools
Current Offerings

Giving My Heart
Room To Breathe

Discover Your

The Ultimate I Deserve A Break Colouring Book

Lifesaver Tools
Current Offerings

Giving My Heart
Room To Breathe

Discover Your

The Ultimate I Deserve A Break Colouring Book

Lifesaver Tools
“I now realized I had the responsibility to
myself to create
the life that I wanted.
I owed it to myself to succeed using my own
definition of success.”
Nelia Hutt
Nelia's Affirmation

I have been wounded but am far from broken.
I have gifts and talents to share with the world.
I will continue to live with integrity and honesty.
I know that no act of kindness is too small to give it my attention.
I promise to help the lonely be seen and heard.
I must take care of myself to be able to take care of others.
Nelia's Affirmation

I have been wounded but am far from broken.
I have gifts and talents to share with the world.
I will continue to live with integrity and honesty.
I know that no act of kindness is too small to give it my attention.
I promise to help the lonely be seen and heard.
I must take care of myself to be able to take care of others.
* Disclaimer *
I am not a Mental Health Professional, nor a therapist. This website is not intended to be used to diagnose and/or treat mental health conditions. Most importantly, it should not be used as a substitute in reaching out to mental health professionals. However, I am a survivor and through my life experiences, I want to help you live a better life. In the end, I want to help you discover who you are so that you live a more fulfilled life. Above all, I want to show you that you are not alone. I am not claiming to be an expert in Mental Health issues, but I am an expert in my life and life experiences. With this purpose in mind, it is important to me to be a part of your journey and you of mine.